2024 Homecoming Dress Up Days For Tony Serna Jr. Elementary! Let's Go Dons!

2024 Homecoming Dress Up Days For Luis E. Armijo Elementary! Let's Go Dons!

2024 Homecoming Dress Up Days For Don Cecilio and Union Elementary!
Let's Go Dons!

Join us for Noches de Familia, Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 5:30-7:30pm.

Valley Elementary and Middle School Dress up for Homecoming.

Good morning Dons Family - just a reminder that today is Picture Day!

Good evening Elementary Parents, just reminder tomorrow is Elementary Prep day there will be no school. In observance of Labor Day there will be no school on Monday, September 2nd. Thank you and have a great weekend!

Good afternoon, parents, students, and families;
This message reminds you of two important school regulations regarding unlicensed drivers or students without a provisional or driver's license on our campus and our dress code expectations.
As per the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division regulations, only licensed drivers are permitted to operate vehicles on school property. Students MUST hold a valid NM driver's license or a Provisional License. A student with a permit cannot drive on campus as they need an adult driver in the vehicle. If your child is found driving without the proper license or without a parking permit, we will contact the parent/guardian to pick up the vehicle. As a school, we are committed to ensuring the safety of all our students and cannot be held liable in the event of an accident involving an unlicensed driver.
We also want to emphasize the importance of our dress code. Our code is designed to promote respect and decorum, allowing students to focus on their education without distractions. We have been seeing many issues with the dress code and students who must comply. Please visit our website: www.wlvs.k12.nm. You can click on online documents and take a look at our handbook for allowable attire. We are seeing a large number of students wearing very small revealing tops under a zippered jacket. They are taking the jackets off during the day. Many students are trying to wear shirts with insignia such as Cookies promoting vapes or alcohol. These items are prohibited.
Thank you for your support and understanding as we work together to maintain a safe and respectful environment for our students. Your cooperation and partnership in this matter are greatly appreciated.

Picture Day Has Been Rescheduled for September 3

Attention Parents bus #56 will not be running this afternoon. Please make arrangements to have you child picked up. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions call your child's school. Have a good day!

Join us on August 30, 2024 at West Las Vegas High School for a
special event supporting students and families as they
prepare for the new school year. The Food Depot will be providing
healthy groceries to ensure our community's children start the year off right!
This event will take place from 9:30 am to 11:00 am at WLV High School.

No Afterschool Program today for Luis E. Armijo Students, program will resume on Tuesday, August 27th. Students may ride the bus or have parent pickup for the day. Again, there is no afterschool program for Luis E. Armijo students only. Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Greetings WLVHS and FP families:
I wanted to take a moment to announce that Picture Day was canceled today. After discussing the recent evacuations with the photographers this morning, they decided to reschedule . I will send out a new date by next week. Thank you all for your continued partnership and understanding.

Attention Luis E. Armijo there will be no after school program on Monday, August, 26, 2024. Students will need to have parent pick-up or ride the bus on this day. Again, there will be no after school program on Monday for Luis E. Armijo students. After school program will resume on Tuesday, August 27th.
Thank you ! Have a great weekend.

The thought of any gas leak poses a danger to everyone, and the WLVS District takes any potential danger very seriously. However, the last three incidents at WLVHS were NOT gas leaks. These incidents resulted in the need to make emergency calls, creating a false alarm, violating security procedures, carrying out a planned attack, including causing harm to others. All of which are potentially a form of school terrorism. Should any student have an item that emits a substance that affects the health and safety of students and staff, they will be held to the highest degree of discipline, and charges will be filed with authorities. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a safe and healthy educational environment.

Dear Dons Families:
I hope this message find you well. I am writing to inform about the recent incident regarding a potential gas leak at our school.
Fire department and Gas company have conducted a thorough investigation, and I am pleased to report that there was no gas leak detected. We have received and all clear to continue with our educational setting in a safe manner.
We appreciate you understanding and support. Students will report to class at 1:15 after lunch and report to their sixth period.

Good morning. We want to communicate that West Las Vegas High School will be evacuating briefly to inspect for a possible gas leak. This evacuation will conducted like a regular fire drill. Student and staff safety is of utmost importance! Thank you for your patience.

Good Afternoon Dons Families:
This notice serves to remind you that we can only have a licensed driver parking on campus. We have many Freshman with no license or students with a permit. Keep in mind that according to the NM Motor Vehicle Division, a student with a permit must have a licensed adult in the vehicle with them. Students with a provisional license or a regular driver's license are allowed and should have secured a parking permit. Students were informed they will not be allowed to drive and park unless they have the proper licensure. Bus transportation is available to students.

Good afternoon Tony Serna Jr Elementary Families! Your child was sent home an after school program application. Please turn in the application by Friday, August 16th. After school program begins on Monday, August 19th.

Good afternoon Luis E Armijo Families! Your child was sent home an after school program application. Please turn in the application by Friday, August 16th. After school program begins on Monday, August 19th.