Students having some fun with their principal! ā¤ļøšÆ

We are pleased to announce we have approximately 120 students attending our on campus Dual Credit program! We have partnered with our local Higher Education institutions NMHU and LCC and are looking forward to a great school year!

After school program for grades K-12 will begin Monday, August 22, 2022.
The Program will run Monday through Thursday from 3:15 to 5:30.
Please call the office of your child's school to request a registration form be sent home.

Welcome Back to all our students! It's a great day to be a DON! Remember you are all smart, talented and capable of success!

Attention Juniors & Seniors:
Please be advised, we will have closed campus the first two days of school, Thursday August 11th & Friday August 12th. Some students may still need to be cleared. You should be receiving your off campus ID's by Friday. Thank you for your patience. Go Dons!

Valley parents transporting students to and from school. Please do not drop off students in the bus lane. Please park in the parking lot and use the crosswalk to walk your child to the duty personnel who will guide your child to the cafeteria. For afternoon pick up, please park in the parking lot, walk to the front of the school and wait for your child to be brought to you by duty personnel. Please do not drive in the bus lane and be vigilant of pedestrians in the parking lot. Also, please do not pass buses as they enter or exit the school yard. Drop off is no earlier than 7:30 a.m. and pick up is at 3:00 p.m.

Attention Parents of students enrolled at the West Las Vegas Pre-K Program. School will start on August 22, 2022 for Pre-k students. Classroom teachers will be notifying parents to schedule home visits.

Just a friendly reminder.
Orientation is tomorrow, Wednesday, August 10th.
8th grade-8:30 am
7th grade-10:30 am
6th grade-1:00 pm
Hope to see you there!

Reminder: students from the WLVHS campus. Thursday and Friday from 9:00-4:00 and closed from 12 to 1 for lunch. Confirm your registration is complete, pay class dues, parking passes and meet with your counselor for your schedule. Hope to see all of you on one of these days. You are talented, smart and capable of success.... NO EXCEPTIONS! It's always a great day to be a DON!!!

Attention students from the WLVHS campus. Thursday and Friday from 9:00-4:00. Confirm your registration is complete, pay class dues, parking passes and meet with your counselor for your schedule. Hope to see all of you on one of these days. You are talented, smart and capable of success.... NO EXCEPTIONS! It's always a great day to be a DON!!!

Attention West Las Vegas High & Family Partnership students and parents:
This notice goes out as a reminder that tomorrow and Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30pm, we will be hosting your onboarding event. We want to ensure you have a smooth first day. At this time, we need for you to check your enrollment forms, if you are a returning student, you will need to make sure to complete sections A-J and make sure to click submit after each section, otherwise it will not be considered complete. New students will need to complete sections A-N and will also need to click submit after each section.
Any student who is planning to drive can purchase parking passes. Parking passes will cost $20.00, please be prepared to show current Drivers License, Proof of registration & Insurance.
Each student will need to pay their class dues of $10.00.
We are pleased to announce our new WLVS app, which is available to you in the app store on your smart phones.

Get cleared for take off! WLVHS & FPHS Grades 9-12 Student Registration/Enrollment, Parking Passes and Schedules will be given out on August 4-5 at High School front office!
Students will need parking pass to park on campus!

ICYMI: Go the West Las Vegas Schools Facebook Page to view the Ribbon Cutting post for the new Baseball and Softball Complex. https://www.facebook.com/WLVSchools

Welcome Back Meet and Greet @ Don Cecilio and Union Elementary

WLVHS and Family Partnership is ready to kick of a new and exciting school year-hope to see you all there!!

Please join us for the West Las Vegas Middle School Parent & Student Orientation.

Please share the attached "Rise Register & Recover 2-Day Event" information.

Join us as we open up the new Baseball and Softball Fields with a ribbon cutting ceremony and alumni game on Friday, July 29 at 6:00 PM. Parking will be at the WLVMS gym.

K-8 School Supply List 2022-2023

Physical forms for the 2022-2023 year are available on the district website under athletic documents or at the follopwing link: https://www.wlvs.k12.nm.us/documents/athletics/athletic-documents/326066
Go Dons Go!