Just a reminder to all WLVHS students. You will need to bring a refillable water bottle. Wishing you a successful exam week. Know your worth. You are talented, smart, and capable of success!

This notice serves as a reminder that exams begin tomorrow. Students MUST attend the mandatory study hall in the morning. We will have a closed campus this week. Students will be eating in the cafeteria. No outside food will be allowed during this time. We are trying to minimize interruptions and cultivate a sense of academic excellence, school pride, and the importance of exams.
The front office is out of bottled water. It is recommended that students and staff bring a refillable water bottle to school.

Luna Community College was on campus today speaking to Juniors and Seniors who were interested in a Nursing Career. Students received information on the coursework needed and career options in that field.

This notice serves to remind all WLVHS students that exams will be taken next week. It is important that your student attend school next week. Students have a Mandatory Study Hall in their Homeroom class. If students arrive tardy to their scheduled exam, they will not be allowed to take it at that time. Students that miss an exam will need to take their missed exam during a scheduled make us session. We will also be hosting dress up days. Please note dress must still follow dress code rules. See exam schedule below.

Good morning,
Due to an upgrade by PowerSchool, parents are seeing a "Problem Syncing" error. The fix suggested by PowerSchool Technical Support is to uninstall and then reinstall the app. This will fix any syncing errors you may be experiencing. If you need help resetting your password after reinstallation, please email your child's information to powerschool@wlvs.org.
WLVS School Code is MQHH
Have a good day, and sorry for any inconvenience.

Come join WLVS for there Second Annual Holiday Carnival

Please Join Our Valley Roadrunners in Celebrating the Holidays!
Student Performances, Concession, and Arts & Crafts sale.
When: December 19, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Valley Cafeteria

Family Partnership Team making hallways welcoming and bright.

Upcoming: WLVHS Exam Schedule

WLVHS Dream Makers presented and created kindness bracelets with Senora Probst's kindergarten classroom.

WLVHS Welding Students Practice on the Welding Simulator.

April was nominated by staff at Don Cecilio as their superhero of the month. Good job, April!

All West Las Vegas Schools will dismiss at noon due to a lack of water on the west side of town. Busses will be running. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Good Morning Parents,
As of this time, our school has no water. The City is trying to resolve the water issue at Don Cecilio and Union. Once we have been notified that is turned back on or will not be turned on, we will let you know. Thank you for you patience and understanding.

Andrea Tafoya and Louella Sanchez were name September and October Super Hero's of the month. Staff nominated each individual for going above and beyond their duties. We are very thankful for these amazing individuals. Thank you for all you do!

Join Us For
Valley Elementary and Middle School
PAC Meeting
Thursday November 17, 2022
@ 5:00 p.m.
Valley Library
Hope to see you there.

Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Student Council.
President-Nathan Sandoval Jr.
Vice President-Maelynn Romero
Treasure-Alexis Jojola
Secretary- Isabella Padilla

Perfect Attendance for Union Elementary for the month of October

NMHU Students came and supported our Don Cecilio and Union Students, visited during breakfast and then read a book to all of our classes. NMHU Students talked about the importance of school. Go Cowboys! Thanks for encouraging our youth!

Attention WLVHS and Family Partnership Families: Bus 35 will not be running today, November 15. It is expected to be running tomorrow. Wishing our West Las Vegas Dons a wonderful day.