Store Link: Consider purchasing a t-shirt or blanket. This fundraiser supports the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes purchases items for their Homecoming floats. It's always a great day to be a Don and and this is a great way to show your school pride.
7 months ago, Carla Pacheco
Attention West Las Vegas High School and family partnership students who have purchased a parking pass. You can now pick up your 24-25 parking badge from the front office. Please take care of this before, after, or during lunch to be on time for class. Students who signed up for a locker may stop by the front office before, during lunch, or after school to receive your locker assignment and combinations. LUNCH MENU FOR TOMORROW: Frito Pie, Chili con Carne, Corn Bread, Garnish, Fruit and Choice of Milk. If you are staying on campus, we encourage you to try our wonderful lunches that are free to all students.
7 months ago, Carla Pacheco
Dear Families: We are committed to ensuring the safety and security of all our staff and students on campus. Our school district has purchased a metal detector. We will be conducting a test at West Las Vegas High School tomorrow. All students will walk through the detector as they enter campus. This is simply a test to familiarize ourselves with the equipment and determine precisely how each detection level works. Please don't worry- we will ensure this process runs smoothly so students can get to class without disruption. We appreciate your support and understanding as we take these critical steps to maintain a safe learning environment. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. It's Always A Great Day To Be A Don!
7 months ago, Carla Pacheco
Good Afternoon, Dons Families and Alumni. Our wonderful city of Las Vegas has faced unprecedented challenges in recent years due to COVID-19, Wildfires, and, more recently, our water issues. Many of our businesses have been impacted and have had to close. West Las Vegas High School cares about our community, and we are asking for your help. We are excited to announce the launch of our online store, where you can purchase an item. Our store's funds will help our freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes buy items for their homecoming float designs without going into our community to solicit from our fantastic business. Our online store is an excellent opportunity to show your Dons Pride. Please consider purchasing an item. The additional $1.00 gets the item shipped to us. Shipment should arrive around Sept 25. Our store will close on August 16th @ noon. Store Link:
7 months ago, Carla Pacheco
Good morning, we are currently doing sports physicals at the Valley Schools today till 4 pm. No appointments needed and no out of pocket costs.
8 months ago, Christopher Gutierrez
Please find information below to secure a Letterman's Jacket.
8 months ago, Carla Pacheco
Letterman Jacket
A Parent meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 5:30 PM for any High school students that are interested in playing football in the Fall. The meeting will be held at the football field. Go Dons Go!
8 months ago, Carla Pacheco
Good Afternoon, Dons. If you know a recent graduate, NMHU will be available on the West Las Vegas High School Campus , tomorrow June 12th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. They are ready to admit, register, and offer support and offer financial assistance. Please help spread the work. Take advantage of the one-stop opportunity.
9 months ago, Carla Pacheco
WLV LADY DONS BASKETBALL YOUTH CAMP The WLV Dons will be hosting a youth skills camp starting tomorrow June 11th and 12th from 9:00am-12:00pm. WLVHS Gillie Lopez Gymnasium. Ages 5-13. All participants will receive a team camp shirt. Breakfast is provided. Basketballs and other equipment provided. $50 cash only. All participants will need to bring their own water bottle.
9 months ago, Carla Pacheco
Good Afternoon, Dons. If you know a recent graduate, NMHU will be available on the West Las Vegas High School Campus June 12th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. They are ready to admit, register, and offer support in securing financial assistance. Please help spread the work. Take advantage of the one-stop opportunity.
9 months ago, Carla Pacheco
Hello families: We are excited to invite you to tonight's Band and Choir Concert! This musical event will showcase the talent and hard work of our West Las Vegas High School/Family Partnership Band and Choir students and our West Las Vegas Middle School Choir. We would love to have you join us for a memorable evening. The show begins at 7:00 PM at the West Las Vegas High School Cafetorium. Hope to see you all there!
10 months ago, Carla Pacheco
For all those fans attending Tuesdayā€™s boys basketball game between the Dons and the Cardinals at Robertson You must purchase tickets online. You will not be able to buy tickets at the window. You must buy online at GoFan. Please see link below to purchase tickets for HS Boysā€™ Basketball Robertson vs West Las Vegas Tuesday January 30th 4, 5:30, 7pm. Tickets will be available for purchase online ONLY!
about 1 year ago, Carla Pacheco
West Las Vegas High School and Family Partnership is conducting a lock down drill at this time. Again, this is a DRILL. All students and staff are safe. We will notify you when the drill is over.
about 1 year ago, Carla Pacheco
Good evening West Las Vegas Middle School! We will be on a two-hour delay tomorrow, Friday, January 12th. School begins at 10:00 a.m. Students will be on Schedule B. Schedule B is as follows: 1st period, 2nd period, 5th period or lunch, 6th period or lunch, 7th period, 8th period. Be safe and Stay Warm!
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth UlibarriĀ 
Good Evening Dons. Due to icy road conditions our schools will be on a two hour delay tomorrow. Students at West Las Vegas High School, Family Partnership and West Las Vegas Middle School will report to period 3. If there are any changes we will update you.
about 1 year ago, Carla Pacheco
Good Morning and Happy Monday to all. Bus 6 from the Villanueva and Ribera area will be running this week.
over 1 year ago, Carla Pacheco
West Las Vegas Middle School Winter Dance Friday, December 15th from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Criteria to attend the Dance effective December 4th: -Attend school on 12/15 -No Fs, GPA 2.0 -No Suspensions or Level 3 Behavior Infractions
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth UlibarriĀ 
Winter Dance
West Las Vegas Middle School Band-Rock Concert is scheduled for Thursday, December 14th at 6:00 p.m. The concert will take place at the West Las Vegas Middle School Gym.
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth UlibarriĀ 
WLVMS Band-Rock Concert
Please come support those that support our furry friends in their Holiday Carnival. It will be Thursday, December 21st at the WLV High School Gym. Flyer attached.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Gutierrez
Holiday Carnival
Great Opportunity for 8th through 12th grade students interested in cheer, tumbling, and stunts. Open Gym will be held tomorrow. Please look at the flyer below, which has all the specifics about this incredible opportunity.
over 1 year ago, Carla Pacheco